Phoenix is recruiting for Cataclysm

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Phoenix is recruiting for Cataclysm

Postby TailsMad » Dec 22nd, '10, 13:02

With the new year just around the corner, we are looking for new members to strengthen our current 25 man raiding team.

Our Current Recruitment Status
- Tanking: Closed
- Melee: Rogue, DK, Shaman, Paladin
- Ranged: Hunter, Priest, Mage, Shaman
- Healing: Druid, Shaman, Paladin, Priest

We raid 3 nights a week, Monday, Thursday and Sunday, 19:30 till 23:30 for which attendance is compulsory. Because we do not raid as frequently we do expect these 3 nights to be taken seriously and consumable/reading preparation to be undertaken by all guild members to ensure we make the most out of the time we have available.

We expect our members to have a solid understanding of their class and spec.

If you're interested in joining Phoenix, please use the form which can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2472
fucking cunts

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